
Master 1st year

At the M1 level, the inscriptions must be done in the institutes participating to the cursus of Planetology in Ile de France, depending on the chosen domain and mention. Mentions and specialities to which the different units of the cursus are accessible in the participating institutes are :

Université Paris Saclay (UFR Sciences d’Orsay and l’Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines have joined to deliver one single Master
- Master mention Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnement (STePE)
— finalité : Planétologie et Exploration Spatiale

Sorbonne Université (Faculté des Sciences) (ex- Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
- Master de Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnement (STePE)
— parcours : Géosciences – Planétologie

Observatoire de Paris-PSL
- Master Sciences de l’Univers et Technologies Spatiales

Université Paris Est (UPEC)
- Master mention Sciences et Management de l’Environnement :
— Atmosphères et Qualité de l’Air

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP)
- Master de Géophysique Interne
- Master de Géochimie Fondamentale et Appliquée

Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN)
- Master Sciences de la Nature et de l’Homme

Master 2ème année

Three institutions can register students for the 2nd year of the Master of Planetology. Applications are open even to those who have not followed the 1st year of the Master in Planetology and Space Exploration.

Whatever the institution of registration, the training and the UEs of the Master are exactly the same.

Université Paris Saclay (UFR Sciences d’Orsay and l’Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines have joined to deliver one single Master
- Master mention Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnement (STePE)
— finalité : Planétologie et Exploration Spatiale

Sorbonne Université (Faculté des Sciences) (ex- Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
- Master de Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnement (STePE)
— parcours : Géosciences – Planétologie

Observatoire de Paris -PSL
- Master mention Sciences de l’Univers et Technologies Spatiales (SUTS)
— parcours : Planétologie et Exploration Spatiale

The contacts of the persons responsible for each of the institutions where the Master of Planetology is registered are indicated below. They share all the information and decisions on the applications. In case of doubt about who to contact, please contact the person in charge of the inter-university Master of Planetology.

At the M2 level, the number of places in the Master of Planetology being limited, the pedagogical registration procedure requires several steps between February and August. Potential candidates, regardless of their home institution and registration, must :

  1. Contact and discuss a possible application with one of the Planetology and Space Exploration Master’s program managers
  2. Prepare your application file containing :
    - Curriculum Vitae
    - Motivation letter
    - Previous Bachelor and Master transcript, including the 1st previous semester (required).
  3. Apply online on the portal of the chosen institution for registration. Please note: application deadlines vary between institutions.
    - Portail d’inscription de l’Université Paris Saclay (April to August)
    - Portail d’inscription de Sorbonne Université (May to June)
    - Portail d’inscription de l’Observatoire de Paris, (March to June)
  4. Wait for the decision. The application files are examined collegially by the persons in charge, who deliver their decision according to the strict deadlines. The final list of candidates admitted to the Master’s program is established in early July and late August.
  5. In the case of a favorable decision, register administratively in the institution in consultation with the persons in charge of the Master of Planetology.

Non EU students

Foreigners students are considered after an inscription in Campus France Campus France except if they would like to enroll Paris Saclay. in this case, they should directly apply in the Paris Saclay website.


For more information, please contact

-either the coordinator of the Planetary Science and Space Exploration Master : Frédéric Schmidt, Tel : 01 69 15 61 52, E-mail : [@robas]

-either the head of the Master within any of the institutions :

  • Sorbonne Université M1/M2 : Aymeric Spiga, Tel : 01 44 27 28 47, E-mail : aymeric.spiga [@robas]
  • Université Paris-Saclay M1 : Alice Le Gall, Tel : 01 80 28 52 35, E-mail : alice.legall [@robas]
  • Université Paris-Saclay M2
    — antenne UFR Science (ex UPSUD), Orsay : Frédéric Schmidt, Tel : 01 69 15 61 52, E-mail : [@robas]
    — antenne Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ, OVSQ) : Emmanuel Marcq, Tel : 01 80 28 52 83, E-mail : emmanuel.marcq [@robas]
  • Observatoire Paris M1/M2 : Alain Doressoundiram, Tel : 01 45 07 77 19, E-mail : alain.doressoundiram [@robas]

-or with the correspondents of the Master of Planetology in the other partner institutions

  • Université Paris Diderot & IPGP : Philippe Lognonné, Tel : 01 45 11 41 31, E-mail : lognonne [@robas]
  • Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) : Matthieu Gounelle, Tel : 01 40 79 35 21, E-mail : gounelle [@robas]
  • Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) : Marie-Claire Gazeau, Tel : 01 45 17 15 48, E-mail : Marie-Claire.Gazeau [@robas]